What does it feel like to be anxious?

I recorded this video live on Facebook last night. I’ve written and recorded other livestreams about anxiety, but this is slightly different, while still drawing on techniques I regularly use with clients.

Anxiety is one of those things that we all experience at some point. How we manage that anxiety, fear, worry or stress depends a lot on our previous experiences with anxiety and our learning environment. By learning environment I mean our family, our school, our workplaces, and our friends… any experience that might have had an impact on what we do, think and feel. Everybody’s experiences and environments are independent to them, although we can often predict what might be more likely to occur than not.

I also shared this image a few days ago; I’m pretty sure I’ve shared it before, but it’s such a good image that I wanted to share it again when it popped up in my FB newsfeed. I refer to this image in the video above. How we approach those who might be struggling and what we say in that moment they might need a kind ear or shoulder or just your presence can have a significant impact on how they cope, as well as on how we cope too.


Enhance Life Psychology Albert Park, Nonie Carr Melbourne Psychologist

As always, please feel free to share this post with anyone you think might find it helpful (it can be easier to share it via Facebook so feel free to head over there).

And if you’d like to talk a little bit more about how you might be able to help someone you know manage anxiety more effectively, or if you’d like to learn for yourself how to manage anxiety more effectively, please contact me.

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