Nonie Carr
I’ve been working with people for over 15 years. I’ve been a teacher and a psychologist in a school and in private practice. In April 2017 I established Enhance Life Psychology and since then have been growing my practice and brand and building my experience.
What does Enhance Life offer you?
Those who enter my counselling space are greeted with warmth and curiosity, allowing you to feel at ease within yourself and ready to develop more confidence.
You want to explore your possibilities, those things that you dream about, those talents that you’ve noticed, and those skills that you dismiss. You want to improve your well-being and performance and boost your motivation to pursue goals. You want to draw on and harness your strengths and skills as you journey towards a more authentic and engaged life.
Nonie's interests and goals
My goal for you is to achieve clarity, to find new or different perspectives, and alternative ways to think, behave and approach situations. The result of this collaborative work is often improved performance, a new perspective, changed behaviour and more effective coping and discoveries about your possibilities.
I have an interest in helping you work through traumatic experiences and memories. I have enjoyed my training as an EMDR Therapist. I enjoy seeing how transformational this approach can be for some. The shift from re-experiencing traumatic memories in the present moment to remembering these experiences as an event from the past can be life changing. I'm constantly aware of the possibilities for healing, more effective coping, healthy relationships, improved performance and new understandings that can come out of this approach.
I have an interest in working with athletes. This comes out of my own experience as a cyclist. I have raced at club, state and national level and even had the opportunity to race at the World Masters level. I understand the training required to compete at this level. I worked on developing the mental strength and resilience needed to keep training and racing despite not performing as I’d like. I worked to tame my own anxiety in the lead-up to major events and in consultation with a psychologist I developed strategies that assisted me to improve my performance. I enjoy helping athletes to find the strategies to manage anxiety and strengthen their performance.

I am a Psychologist. I am a Possibility Coach. I am Enhance Life Psychology.
Nonie Carr, MAAPi, Member EMDRAA
Counselling Psychologist
BSSc(Family Studies); GradDipEd(Secondary); MPsych(Counselling)
If you have any questions you can contact me here - https://enhancelife.com.au/contact/

How I can help you...
I have experience in helping adults and adolescents with a variety of issues but have a particular interest in:
Performance and confidence in sport, performing arts, work or social areas
Anxiety, in a variety of areas, particularly performance anxiety
Trauma, PTSD and challenging experiences
Self-esteem and confidence
Motivation, problem-solving and goal-setting
Body image, insecurity issues and confidence
Study skills, organisation and time management