Counselling & Therapy

Counselling & Therapy

Enhance Life Psychology is a solo enterprise operated by Nonie Carr. I am a Counselling Psychologist which means that I work from the perspective that we all have strengths and resources that can be drawn upon to enhance our wellbeing. I work collaboratively with my clients in a therapeutic relationship to help them make meaningful changes in perspectives and behaviour.

My particular interest is in helping you enhance your performance in your chosen endeavours. Here are a number of types of performance I help people with:

  • Sports or athletic performance and getting the best out of yourself in elite or amateur levels,
  • Theatre and singing and being able to walk on stage or into auditions with confidence that you can perform at your best,
  • Or maybe it’s at work where you’re struggling to perform in meetings and presenting yourself as competent
  • School and other academic settings might be where you are struggling to manage your anxiety and perform at your best.
  • Social anxiety is a performance anxiety of sorts; it’s an overwhelming focus on what others might be thinking or the judgments you think they might be making rather than in the moment of interaction.

As a Counselling Psychologist I use a variety of therapeutic approaches to work with my clients. These include;

  • Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
  • Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)
  • Schema Therapy
  • And more traditional Cognitive Behavioural approaches (CBT)
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