Meditation, Equanimity & Anxiety

Nonie Carr - Enhance Life Psychology - from the blog

Cultivate equanimity to help with anxiety - Notice, Accept, Float

Using meditation to cultivate equanimity can enable one to manage unpleasant or unwanted emotions in a way that reduces their impact.


Yesterday I recorded an episode of the podcast, Enhance Your Life with Nonie Carr, on this topic.  Listen to the podcast on this topic on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Sticher or wherever you listen to podcasts, OR here (on You can also view the video of the episode on YouTube - here.

What is equanimity?

Equanimity is the attitude of easygoingness that we take when we meditate, practise meditation or shift our attention to a chosen focus point allowing other sensations to just be.
This attitude of equanimity is characterised by noticing, accepting and allowing intrusive, unwanted, challenging or difficult thoughts, emotions and sensations to be there while directing our attention to action, overt and covert, that is aligned to our values or purpose.

Resistance and anxiety

When we chose to resist or fight these challenging, anxious and unwanted thoughts, sensations and emotions the intensity of our experience can increase. Choosing instead to accept with equanimity and shift our attention to a more desired focus might actually reduce the intensity of these unwanted sensations.
If you'd like to learn more about these ideas you are welcome to contact me via
Other resources include -
Self Help for Your Nerves by Dr Caroline Weekes - This is a self-help book that was written in 1962. It was informed by personal experience, research & years of successfully helping patients who were struggling with anxiety. Her treatment protocol is described using these words: face, accept, float, let time pass.
The Woman Who Cracked the Anxiety Code: the Extraordinary Life of Dr Claire Weekes by Judith Hoare - This is the biography of Dr Claire Weekes that I mentioned in the podcast.
Jeff Warren has constructed a 30 day course on how to meditate for the Calm app. He also has a website that might be worth exploring if you'd like to learn more about meditation.
The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris - this outlines how to apply Acceptance and Commitment Therapy yourself
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