Keys to unlocking depression…

The Australian Psychological Society has decided to present a series of public lectures about mental health. The first lecture was by Dr Michael Yapko and was based around his most recent book,’Keys to Unlocking Depression’. I hadn’t heard Dr Yapko speak before, though I had heard a lot about his work. So I went along to hear him talk. I found his lecture to be easily accessible. I am happy to summarise what he spoke about, but I think it will be easier to hear it from him. The lecture was presented twice and the first one was videoed; you can find it below. I also purchased his most recent book which he describes as being “intended to provide a life raft of clarity to those who are treading water in the sea of confusion about depression”. His book is titled ‘Keys to Unlocking Depression’ and is available now.

How to prevent depression

Michael Yapko

Presented by Dr Micheal Yapko 

Depression can be defeated. Dr Michael Yapko draws on 40 years of experience and the latest research to reveal the factors that fuel the mood disorder and the simple psychological skills that help people recover.

If you’d like to have a chat about how I might be able to help you, please contact me; you can send me a message or call me to have a chat. 

Original article published here: 

Enhance Life Psychology Albert Park, Nonie Carr Melbourne Psychologist


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